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ZÜRCHER/IN: between work and free time

Thanks to all the visitors for the highly positive feedback and support ZÜRCHER/IN got in the last two weeks, from the vernissage to the last day at Photobastei 2.0.

Did you miss ZÜRCHER/IN the exhibition?

Find what was all about in the next three blog posts. ZÜRCHER/IN is a photography project created by ARTBorghi (Lorenzo Borghi and Maria Francesca) on the common people highly over-represented as bronze and granite statues in the city of Zürich, Switzerland. Just a few statues of prominents adorn this Swiss city, which is flooded by commoners mostly relaxing in their free time. A Swiss hymn to power to the people? A wise suggestion to take it easy? A neo-classic time-machine?

In the book, available online, coordinates and maps will additionally help you in this art-quest. Contact the author for fine printing requests.

Werner Friedrich Kunz, Grosse Prometheus (1958) / Karl Geiser, Denkmal der Arbeit (1952)

Franz Fischer, Knabe und Mädchen (1928) / Valentin Walter Mettler, Fischerbrunnen (1909)

Alis Guggenheim, Frau (1928) / Otto Kappeler, Vier sitzende Jüglinge (1929)

Hildi Hess, Weibliche Figur (1957) and Hermann Haller, Mädchen mit erhobenen Armen (1939)

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