This is the third part of Monteponi rebirth, a photo reportage on the mining site of Monteponi (Sardegna, Italy). Here you find the second part. Monteponi was an industrial complex. Still, turrets and house-like buildings make Monteponi looking like a town. A very silent one, where the only noises are wind and slammed windows.

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Lead foundry, lower level (1892). The foundry was used to treat mixed minerals from Monteponi and other sites to obtain in loco the final product. Electrolysis cells’ block (1925): here AC was converted to DC for running the electrolysis pools.

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Lead mill (1925). Here lead sheets for the electrolysis plant were forged and laminated.

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Lead foundry, upper level (1925): bring in and lead refinement before the fusion.

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Toilets and dress rooms nearby the compressor room (1906). Turret of the electrolysis plant (1926) part of the complex to extract zinc and iron from oxides mined in loco and in other mines of the area.

All pictures and text copyright of Lorenzo Borghi. Contact me at for picture use permission and initiatives.